Welcome to my new blog. My name is Leigh Katherine Melligan and I am currently attending the University of Alberta. I am studying Animal Health, with a major in Companion and Performance Animals. I am in second year, and am quite excited to be using a blog as before ALES 204, I would not consider myself "tech savvy".
I hope this blog can be of use to me and all my readers, as in my field, communication plays a vital role. How else would a veterinarian be able to find a cure to some of the more uncommon diseases except through large scientific journals which publish new findings? Or if a beloved pet needs a blood test, where do the vets go to get the results? They would run the tests and then the results are communicated electronically to a lab where they are analyzed, then sent back to the vet, and back to you. This is why I think communication is important, and this is why I hope that this blog can be as useful to you and I as a lab for a blood test.
Thanks a Zillion :)
Communication is extremely important in the field of Animal Health. I'm a fourth year Animal Science student and every year I realize more and more how important communication is. What is new to me is social media, but, I see it's importance. Again, I like your summary on the importance of communication within Animal Health and Veterinary Medicine, you made some very valid points.